
Good delve

 Although we had a scoot around the Wellington Road area a few or so ago, we had a really hood bush dive this Saturday to get at the grot around that area. We were also joined by a couple of people who were filming a piece about Local Litter Heroes for Northampton Film Festival. 27 bags in total from the zones we checked. This looked impressive for the filming as at the start, that end of Brackley looked quite tidy until you got in a ditch or a bush.   Thank you to today's gang.  

Lay bys a-go-go

 We've started back on lay bys and you can be guaranteed that they deliver every time.   26 bags, loads of detritus and 24 tizer today collected by 12 Wombles. Plus unearthing of no end of road signs n stands. There is a real grot zone on the path by the exit to Evenley on the roundabout. The entrance to the route Evenley Wood Garden has bits of car in it! We'll return in around a month to get that cleared.   Thank you to the truck drivers that gave us a beep!

New Year and we're off!

  We greeted the New Year in with a very cold Womble this morning and were joined by Luke from BTC who will add us into the Brackley Town Talk "Local Heroes" piece in the next edition.     8 bags of detritus no longer drifting around!

Merry Christmas


Total so far and last group womble for 2024

  Our last group Womble for 2024 will be on Wednesday 18th December 9:00-10:15ish meet at Sainsbury's.   This will be followed by mince pies etc at Brackley Care Home where we'll celebrate Christmas with our vintage Wombles!   We have collected over 1,500 bags of litter in 2024! Great work team!!

Vintage Womble!


Mini Layby

  Brackley Litter Wombles attacking the A43 laybys! We started on the little laybys along the Brackley bypass today.   We laughingly thought we'd be able to do a couple! We started on the one nearest the BP roundabout... They are appalling!!   Today's haul was 36 bags, 69 tizer. Plus hangers, wire, tyres, a lovely pair of silver dance shoes, bags of earth??!!, roof tiles, a Henry Hoover and more. A real Generation Game of assorted detritus. Plenty more to do in just this one layby.   Thank you to Jackie, Trish, David , Gail and Dawn who took part in this full workout. We need to return!